Old man smoker's cough, smoking
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9 months ago

Smoker's Cough: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Smoker's cough can be the first sign of a serious lung disease, so it should be taken seriously.

Let's take a deeper look at the phenomenon of smoker's cough. It is an everyday companion for many smokers and results from the harmful effects of smoking on the respiratory system. The irritation of the mucous membranes in the nose, throat and lungs causes the body to constantly try to cough up mucus to keep the airways clear. But what exactly causes this symptom and what effects does it have on the body? In this article, we will answer some unanswered questions and learn what measures can be taken to reduce or prevent smoker's cough.

Things to know about smoker's cough

1. How can I tell if it is smoker's cough?

Smoker's cough is easily recognized by certain symptoms. The most common symptoms of smoker's cough include:

  • Coughing, especially in the morning after getting up

  • Expectoration of mucus

  • Difficulty breathing and tightness in the chest

  • Hoarseness and change in voice

If you notice these symptoms in yourself and smoke regularly, it could be smoker's cough. However, it is important that you see a doctor to make sure that it is really smoker's cough and that there are no other health problems.

2. Where does smoker's cough come from?

Smoker's cough comes from exposure to smoke in the airways. The smoke irritates the mucous membranes in the nose, throat and lungs and causes inflammation. The body responds by trying to cough up the mucus to keep the airways clear.

3. Why is smoker's cough worst in the morning?

The smoker's cough is worst in the morning because mucus accumulates in the bronchial tubes during the night, which then has to be coughed up in the morning. Since the body is in a horizontal position while sleeping, the mucus cannot drain as easily as when one is standing or sitting. Therefore, the cough in the morning is usually stronger and accompanied by more mucus expectoration.

4. What are the consequences and long-term damage?

The consequences of smoker's cough can vary depending on the severity. In severe cases, smoker's cough can cause breathing difficulties, chest tightness and even shortness of breath. In the long term, smoker's cough can also lead to pneumonia or lung cancer.

5. What can I do about smoker's cough?

The best way to treat smoker's cough is to quit smoking. When you stop smoking, the condition of your respiratory system may improve and the smoker's cough may subside or disappear completely. Using inhalers and performing regular breathing exercises can reduce symptoms. There are also medications and other treatments that may be prescribed by a doctor to help relieve smoker's cough.

6. When will smoker's cough stop after you stop smoking?

It depends on how long you have smoked and how severe your respiratory problems are. In most cases, smoker's cough will subside or disappear completely within a few weeks or months after you stop smoking. In some cases, however, it may take longer for your respiratory system to fully recover. It's important to have regular checkups with a doctor to track the progress of your respiratory health and get more treatment if needed.


In summary, smoker's cough is a common symptom in smokers caused by the harmful effects of smoking on the respiratory system. It can lead to inflammation, coughing fits, and breathing difficulties, and has long-term negative effects on health. To avoid smoker's cough, it is best to quit smoking. Ultimately, it is important to take the health effects of smoking seriously and take steps to minimize them.

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